List of Products

I’m proud to announce my newest release – PSI-CHI.

I’ve literally spent years in developing the concepts in this manuscript and sincerely believe that

PSI-CHI and its variations are a significant addition to the arsenal of our art.

Here's what others are saying about PSI-CHI:

Ken Weber:"Sometimes what is called 'mentalism' is really 'mental magic'. But that does not describe what Bruce Bernstein does. Bruce is a purist. He devises, and has devised, some of the cleanest, most powerful effects in the Mentalism canon. PSI-CHI continues that tradition. No suspicious props, no extraneous dialogue. Just good, hard-hitting Mentalism."

Joe "The Mindshark" Curcillo: “Bruce Bernstein‘s understanding of mentalism concepts is phenomenal. His latest release, PSI-CHI, Is yet another example of his mastery of simple and deceptive mind reading. Using nothing more than a pen and paper, Bruce has created a marvelously impromptu gem you will use again and again!”

Jon Stetson: "I consider Bruce Bernstein to be a true creative genius. Bruce’s material is the backbone of my working repertoire. His latest creation, PSI-CHI, is a masterpiece. A Perfect, Practical, and Profound Performance Piece. Pure Mind Reading at its Best. PSI-CHI is my new 'go to' I love it!"

Lior Manor
: "I have read all of Bruce’s books and have learned so much from him over the years. I always learn something new in his new publications and PSI-CHI is no exception. Bruce takes classic concepts and shines new light on them. I love it."

click here for a detailed description of PSI-CHI


Over the years I have worked on and developed many versions of the classic effect, OUT OF THIS WORLD. In fact, the first effect I ever released was called COUPLES — a version of OOTW that, at the time, Paul Curry stated was the best variation of his original that he had seen, and offered to market it for me! It was a most encouraging start to what has become a most interesting field of endeavor.

Now, these many years later, I’ve finally developed an extremely straightforward, hands-off, two-phase routine that utilizes deeply layered methods, befitting this classic effect of Mentalism. Watching the impact it has on both laymen and Magicians/Mentalists alike has convinced me it’s one of the most powerfully direct and clean presentations available.

Via an ebooklet, with embedded videos,  you can also learn this most amazing of effects that slayed them when premiered at the prestigious MEETING OF THE MINDS and has fooled some of the best minds in the business.  

Here are a few unedited quotes:

Barrie Richardson: Elegant. The trick of the year.

Doug Dymen
t: With Separation Anxiety, Bruce has taken a well-loved plot ('OOTW'), added a dollop of ideas from others, and then worked his well-known magic, streamlining the action, removing the dead time and false actions, clarifying the display, simplifying the mechanics, and topping the whole thing with a killer ending. A tiny, elegant masterpiece, and one of the few "card tricks" I perform.

 Christopher Carter: When I first saw Bruce Bernstein perform Separation Anxiety, I knew I had to learn it.  It was the cleanest, most direct handling of Out of This World I had seen.  I didn’t see how it could be improved upon.  Then Bruce showed me the second phase, and it was even more incredible than the first.”

Few creators understand what mentalism should really look like in performance better than Bruce.   The first phase of Separation Anxiety is as perfect as any mental card effect could be.  Gone is the unusual procedure of most versions of Paul Curry’s classic effect.   A spectator psychically separates a small back of cards into reds and blacks.  That’s it!  It’s that direct.  But Bruce doesn’t stop there.  As soon as the spectator has picked her jaw up from the floor, he has her do it again, but this time with a twist so diabolical it just has to be seen to be believed.

I never thought I needed  another card effect in my repertoire until I saw Separation Anxiety. Now I know better. It’s definitely going into my repertoire.

 Matthew Field -THE MAGIC CIRCULAR: Paul Curry’s “Out of This World” is, perhaps, the most popular card trick ever.  A problem with it is, however, that it is a tough sell to make it seem “psychic”.  Chicago mentalist and magician Bruce Bernstein spent years trying to come with a method which fit his persona, and “Separation Anxiety” is it.

The spectator is handed a packet of 20 cards and told to deal them into two fairly equal piles, but not haphazardly or simply alternating piles; she is to “follow her intuition”.  The wizard counts one of the piles and congratulates the spectator when the total is seen to be 10 ‒ precisely half. The top card of one pile is turned over ‒ it is red.  The top card of the other pile is black.  Several more cards are turned over in pairs ‒ again, red in one pile, black in the other. The remainders of both piles are turned over, showing a perfect separation.

As a follow-up, the wonder worker removes an Ace of Spades from his pocket and states that he will make the spectator treat this card as red, as he openly inserts it into the packet of cards and mixes them.  Again, the cards are dealt into two piles. One pile is shown to consist entirely of black cards, the other of all red cards ‒ except for the Ace of Spades, seen in the centre of the “red” pile.

As one would expect from Bruce Bernstein, this is devilishly clever.  $25 might seem a bit expensive for a 16-page pdf, but the price is for the years of thinking that went into the method, and the fact that the working mentalist will get a lot of mileage out of this.  Three brief videos are included illustrating a few of the fine points.

 Bob Farmer: Bruce Bernstein, who has an honored place in my book, as one of the premier Sultans of Swindle, was selling a new trick, "Separation Anxiety," which sounded--like a lot of Bruce's stuff--completely impossible. So I figured--like a lot of Bruce's stuff--the method would be in the upper echelons of deviousness--and I just had to know how it worked because here's the effect:

You hand a spectator a small packet of ungaffed, face-down cards. You tell her to follow her intuition and deal the packet into two piles on the table--but she is to deal the cards completely at random (i.e., not back and forth in a regular manner, but helter skelter).

She does so. When the two piles are checked:

1. There are exactly ten cards in each pile.

2. She has somehow divided the ten red cards from the ten black cards.

This is about as clean and fast an "Out of this World" effect as you can get. Bruce also provides a second phase, different from the first, which in effect is different enough to be interesting, and in method relies on something the audience has understood from the first phase.

It's 16 pages of unmitigated sneakiness and I highly recommend it to one and all. 

Ross JohnsonBruce Bernstein is in creative mode and has traveled to a new solar system. On the heels of the ground breaking "TABOO" comes a refined take on the always intriguing "Out of this World". Only the mind of Bernstein can both simplify method and expand impact at the same time. This is a routine not to be overlooked by any worker who presents miracles of only the highest quality.

 Alain Nu: Bruce Bernstein has been one of the most clever creators in the field of psychic entertainment and a true inspiration for many other artists such as myself. Bruce is like a scientist, whose clever mind continues to search for the answers to the even greater mysteries behind the already great mysteries which we cherish. In Bernstein's "Separation Anxiety," you will find about the cleanest answer to Paul Curry's "Out of This World" to date. Recently, while in Chicago, he showed it to me and it left me speechless. It happens a LOT faster than you would expect! Now is your chance to learn this quickly... either before he changes his mind, or I make him change his mind!

 Jheff’s Marketplace of the Mind:  This is a lean, direct, powerful, and easy-to-do version of the classic Paul Curry effect.  And, besides, if you've read his landmark book,  UNREAL, you know that anything with Bruce Bernstein's name on it is, sight  unseen, well-worth getting!

 Of course, the plot, which you probably know already, involves the  participant amazingly separating red and black cards.  This version,  which only uses twenty cards, is based on ideas from Brad Henderson and Jon  Armstrong, who, in turn, based their work on ideas from Martin Gardner and  Paul Curry (though not all of Gardner's and Curry's ideas are  in SEPARATION ANXIETY).  It starts and ends clean and most definitely  can be done with a borrowed deck of cards and in impromptu situations.   In fact, it's probably best for that.

 Using twenty cards certainly solves the controversial issue of the  effect being too long.  The entire stack is handed to the participant to  separate which makes this a very nice hands-off presentation.  And the  clean-up is much cleaner and far less awkward than the usual manner in which  it is done. For those familiar with Jon Armstrong's "Out of This Blah Blah  Blah," know that this was certainly Bernstein's inspiration and starting  point, but he has added some touches that take this effect into an entirely  new and different level.

 I'll also note that Bernstein includes a second variation which allows  for the effect to be repeated.  It is rather amazing as it features a  powerful prediction that's quite a shocker to the layman.

 This is being sold as a 16 page downloadable PDF with some embedded  videos. I know that this should be obvious but I'll say it anyway: this is  highly recommended.


SEPARATION ANXIETY, the effect in detail

SEPARATION ANXIETY is available as a PDF with 3 short embedded videos to make the handling crystal clear.
Sent as an email attachment – no shipping/handling charges.  

PayPal $25 USD to


 An autographed “Hard Copy” on a CD is $25 + $8 shipping via priority mail in the US.  (total = $33.00)

 Shipping to Canada is an additional $20 USD (total = $45.00)

Elsewhere, shipping is an additional $25 USD (total = $50.00)


UNREAL - $75.00
The manipulation of thought, memory and perception in psychic entertainment

At last, a three year effort at collecting, reorganizing, and rewriting all of my previously published works, (whether well known or highly obscure), has finally been completed. Whenever appropriate, the material has been rewritten to make it even more accessible and clear to the reader. I've added tips, touches, and updates to many of the effects, as well as including ten new essays, specially created for this book. All of the material has also been reorganized by the type of effect being presented. 

Now, gathered in 256 pages, bound in deluxe hardcover; all of my materials published before 2012 have been newly edited and expanded, as well as being expertly illustrated by Tony Dunn.

UNREAL contains it all - from what I, and many others, believe is the most commercial effect ever created, Eat at Joe's, to card miracles such as Psych-Out, a revelatory improvement to the 10 Card Poker Deal concept, to must-learn techniques as my Bernstein Center Tear, and beyond. UNREAL covers territory essential to every wonder worker's repertoire.

The book outlines mysteries with the most basic of objects: slips of paper, cards, and money, as well as inexplicable feats of thought reading: predictions, mind reading feats, psychometry, utility techniques for obtaining secret information, cold reading scripts and techniques, and more.

Click here for TABLE OF CONTENTS

If purchased directly through me, I would be happy to autograph to you personally.

Barrie Richardson:
"This is the most stimulating book on Mentalism or Magic I've read in years."

Jeff McBride:
"I've just gone on tour and had 3 bliss filled days with your book  UNREAL.  I love so many of the ideas too, and have already started to work on a few!"

Jheff's Marketplace of the Mind:  
"These are the facts: Bruce Bernstein is one of the most creative thinkers in mentalism. This book is a collection of most of his material. Also, quite a bit of his material I have used, still use, or plan on using at some point in the future. Most everything in this book is classic stuff that professional mentalists the world over have been using for years, such as "Eat at Joe's."

"Really, besides what's already written in the blurb, is there anything else that needs to be said? Oh, yeah, the book is gorgeous (real linen hardcover; 7.5" x 10"; 242 pages). For those wondering what kind of mentalism effects that Bernstein specializes in, I think I can safely say that if you like the work of Barrie Richardson, then you'll like this."

"One more thing: I don't often say that something is a must-have, but if anything released this year deserves that label, this is it."

David Britland:
"Unreal contains nine chapters in all, the remainder covering routines with money, psychometry, 13 variations of a routine involving time travel, and a chapter on techniques that also details Bruce’s Centre Tear. Interspersed between the chapters are essays on various aspects of mentalism from presentation and exposure to getting caught and the basic skills that every mentalist should have. Bruce Bernstein is a clever fellow and it’s a pleasure to read the additions and twists he gives to many standard plots. The routines are very practical, inherently crafty, and incorporate the kind of psychological touches that are increasingly part of contemporary mentalism. The tricks have weathered the years well, possibly because Bruce was ahead of his time when he devised them. Taken together, the variety of presentations, methods, techniques, and good advice not only make the book a valuable source of ideas for the experienced performer but also a great first book for anyone who wants to try their hand at mentalism.

TABOO - $100.00

TABOO is the first offering in a series of restricted releases aimed at the "inner-school" of Psychic Entertainers. These manuscripts will only be available directly through me and will not be wholesaled to dealers. My plan is to release materials over time that I've been holding back, or that have been created recently that meet only the highest standards of which I am capable.

I'm proud to start these offerings with the release of TABOO, since I feel it represents some of my finest thinking and blazes new ground in Psychic Entertainment. The concepts explained in this book will show you ways to reveal audience members' deepest, darkest secrets, in an amazingly entertaining manner.

Here's what I wrote in the introduction - "TABOO is a unique melding of concepts I’ve been working on for nearly a decade and is perhaps the most advanced routine of Psychic Entertainment I’ve ever created.

It would be wrong to just call TABOO an effect, it’s so much more than that. Let me also state as clearly as I can, that TABOO is only suitable for the boldest and most charismatic of performers. This is not something to be done casually for some friends or as a demonstration of mental magic.

But that said, even if you never perform the effect, I believe that you’ll find there is much to be gleaned from my thinking about this presentation from the “cutting edge.”Another point I should make clear at the start is that TABOO must be personalized and custom tailored to the particular performer who is brave and talented enough to tackle this presentation. To expect a “one size fits all” script or approach is only asking for failure. But with the techniques and variations I’ll be sharing in the book, the right performer will have found his or her miracle.

Although, I describe several variations on the theme in the book, including "THE ULTIMATE TABOO, which I created for my own personal use, here's the basic plot:

Several spectators are asked to join you onstage and are requested to think of things they have done, or might do, that would be considered "Taboo" by most people.

You then start to read their thoughts all at the same time, revealing facts and information in a way worthy of a soap opera or reality show.

Even though they are asked to keep a "poker face" and not give you any hints about their secret Taboo, you are able to "zero in" more and more on each of their secret thoughts, until it starts to become clear you're starting to figure out just which Taboo each of them are thinking of.

Then, in the most incredible of climaxes, each of them individually acknowledges time and time again,  just how how accurate you've been in discovering their most personal of information.

O.K. - Although that sounds incredible, I know what you're thinking. 

Even if that were possible (which it is!), I'm sure you're thinking that this routine could easily cause embarrassment or discomfort to those participating. But, perhaps the most amazing part of the routine are the many psychological subtleties and powerful gambits I teach that will actually put them at ease and show them how to thoroughly enjoy their roles as the "Stars" of the presentation.

 Michael Weber: "I believe two things about Taboo to be true: 1) Bruce has crafted a routine which is both practical and powerful, and 2) 99.9% of the mentalists I have seen don't have the balls to present it the way it deserves to be performed."

Christopher Carter: "Bruce Bernstein is a genius. This fact is accepted by everybody who knows his work. Where others put out minor variations of popular and frequently over used themes, Bruce’s published effects consistently range from innovative to groundbreaking. It’s not that he doesn’t draw inspiration from prior creators. All creators do that. What makes Bruce’s work stand out are two things. First, he sees the potential in ideas that the rest of us breeze over without noticing. Second, he combines these ideas in such a way that the result is vastly greater than the sum of the parts."

"Taboo is a perfect product of Bruce’s devious mind. Within the method, there are elements that we all will recognize but they are applied, in combination, to a devastating effect."

"And what is that effect? It’s practically the holy grail of mentalism. When people find out that you’re a mind reader, they worry that you’ll be able to divine their deepest, most intimate secrets. Thanks to Taboo, you do exactly that. Amazingly, Bruce stages things so that you reveal their secrets in such a way that they will never be publicly embarrassed, and yet there is no doubt that you have received impressions you really should not be able to know."

"When Bruce first shared his idea with me a few years ago, I was delighted with its boldness and simplicity, and I hoped to one day be able to do it. Since that time he has refined the routine and added subtleties that make it even stronger. It ranks, in my opinion, among his best work."

"I have one caveat about Taboo. The characteristic that makes Bruce’s work stand out is that he understands the difference between mentalism and magic. His best effects rely on subtle methods that require a bold and confident performance to pull off. No sleights are required, but you must be able to bluff with impunity. Because of this, brilliance of Taboo will probably go unrecognized by the beginning mentalist or mental magician. That’s bad news for Bruce in terms of product sales, but great news for the rest of us. Those who study and perform this will have a miracle that I predict very few others will be doing."

Jon Stetson:
"Taboo is Too Good.  It's Bruce's greatest creation to date! At $100.00, this masterpiece is way underpriced. For me, it is worth thousands - I wish I could keep this one for myself. Thank goodness Bruce uses his power for good!"

"PS. For anyone wondering the difference between Mentalism and Mental Magic, buy Taboo and find out."

TABOO is 18 pages and printed on high quality paper, spiral bound with Art quality covers, featuring my custom calligraphy. 


TABOO - Cover Art


I sincerely believe it to be original, dramatic and as close to an actual demonstration of how material objects can be physically controlled by the power of the mind as may ever be developed. You receive a 12 page booklet that breaks the routine down in detail along with those other special "things" you'll need.

Banachek: "Every mentalist or magician is looking for that Holy Grail of effects. You know the one, the one that looks impromptu, the one that can be performed anywhere anytime, close up, cabaret or stage, the one that can be whipped out for a newspaper story and become the center piece for the reporter to hang his words of astonishment upon."

 "With Bruce Bernstein's contribution of WILL POWER, that Grail has been created for us.  Bruce has fabricated a brilliant routine with props that fit in your change pocket. It really is that tiny but the impact and reactions are incredibly huge.  The effect is non assuming yet grows with each stage of the routine. The impossibilities stack up one on top of the other to create a well-choreographed piece of theater that does not feel like theater, it feels genuine.  This is not mental magic, it can not even be described as mentalism as that would not do it justice, it appears to be a real feat of psychic power.  But hey, what would you expect from the mind of Bruce Bernstein, nothing less.  I will carry this with me."

 Ken Weber: "I was asked which effect was the hit of the Psychic Entertainer's Association's annual convention, the 'Meeting Of The Minds.'  While I loved many routines, Bruce's WILL POWER stole the show. It is a novel plot, it builds and builds in its impossibility, and it was presented brilliantly. For me, in terms of seeing something new and wonderful, THIS was the winner."

"Let me add that if you simply read the description supplied on Bruce's website you will understandably assume that this is strictly a close-up effect. It's not. I watched Bruce perform the routine from many rows back and I can tell you that although I could not see anything happening in terms of the coins, the sounds of the coins spinning on the plates, as carried over the sound system, lent this routine a dense layer of drama that added immensely to its effectiveness. In other words, this can be strong as a stage effect! And yes, it will be wonderful close-up as well."

Larry Becker: "I've thoroughly enjoyed using Bruce Bernstein's "WILL POWER" since I acquired it from Bruce. It's a spell binding close-up effect that plays larger than life thanks to the intriguing musicality of the spinning coins and Bruce's entertaining routine."

Ross Johnson: "With WILL POWER, Bruce Bernstein has produced a complete routine that is practical and actually do-able as it stands. Not since Ned Rutledge's "Minding the Store" has a performance piece been so thoroughly explained and analyzed for maximum impact. Every nuance is covered. It's impact is long lasting. Will Power has become one of three Bruce Bernstein products that I will not leave home without."


WILL POWER, the effect in detail


My take on the famous “Tossed Out Deck”, but so diabolically clever, it will fool anyone familiar with the original.
Max Maven: "If Machiavelli had wanted to do card mentalism, he might have come up with something like Bruce Bernstein's PSI-DECK -- but he probably wouldn't have had the patience to make the gaffs."  

Larry Becker:
"Unreservedly recommended. Outstanding...a beautiful product."  
Craig Karges: "With a combination of principles and an ingeniously constructed deck, Bruce has put together a wonderful routine with PSI-DECK. It is inexplicable and what mentalism with cards should look like - simple, direct, and baffling."
Ford Kross: "Regular readers of mine, are aware of my antipathy to card tricks. So, if I rave about one, I must really be impressed. Such is the case with Bruce Bernstein's PSI-DECK."
"Dave Hoy's Tossed-Out deck is already a classic, but imagine this improvement. A deck of cards is fanned and shown to appear normal. Three participants are freely selected. As in Hoy's classic, a rubberbanded deck of cards is given to #1, he looks at one card. The same deck is given to #2, same procedure. You are able to name the cards looked at and even tell who has which, unlike Hoy's effect, they have different cards. With the third participant, you remove an envelope and place it in sight, the slowly dealing from the same deck on to the table, you ask them to tell you when to stop. After the chosen card is shown, they open the envelope and reveal that you've correctly predicted it."
"As you might think, this is not an ordinary deck. Bruce has produced a beautiful gimmicked deck that is extremely versatile."
Richard Busch
(author of Peek Performances): "PSI-DECK is beyond my inadequate words altogether. After two participants each hold the cards themselves (!) and each peek a card, a card is CLEANLY dealt that matches a premonition that was in plain view beforehand. You can instantly name both peeked cards and hit on the premonition. No switching, no switching predictions, no switching anything, I mean nothing. If this isn't stunning and direct, then I don't know what is. Considering the incredible, unbelievable, time consuming workmanship involved in this creation, Bruce's decks are well worth the investment. More!"

PSI-DECK is available in 2 different versions, so you may repeat the effect for the same audience without the same selections being made.

To read a detailed description of the effect, just click on:

PSI-DECK, the effect in detail


A single PSI-DECK sells for $100.00.
The 2 deck set sells for $175.00


My version of what is perhaps the greatest force deck of all times - the Monte Cristo Deck.  I produced a small run of these at the same time PSI-DECKS were made. I have never advertised or wholesaled these decks and will not be making more when the stock is gone.They have the same Mermaid backs (only available in blue) and are made from the same high quality casino card stock. In addition to the deck itself, additional gimmicked cards are supplied that will allow you to perform some powerful routines not possible with the force deck alone. (Since it forces the 2 of Clubs, it is the perfect deck to use in my Bernstein's Bet routine, described in my book, UNREAL.)

ALTERED, additional effects in detail



An incredible four phase routine that you will use!

Includes the two, three inch safety pins, a DVD with the routine and full explanation, and a 17" x 22" poster (no page turning with props in hand) with seventeen line drawings to make learning easy!

All Pins purchased directly from me are personally double checked and tested before shipping.

Barrie Richardson: Bruce Bernstein's Linking Pin Routine is one of the most astonishing and entertaining effects on this planet - period!
Hank Moorehouse: From A to Z - the best linking pin routine I've ever seen.

 Bruce Barnett: "I liked Bruce's Linking Pin Routine. This is a routine where large safety pins link and unlink in slow motion. There is a finale, and at the end - the pins are passed out for examination. (no switch!) Even when I knew the principle, he fooled me with it."

Phil Wilmarth
(Linking Ring): "Here is a superb four part routine... The final phase is a wonderful visual unlinking of a spectator's finger ring from a pin as a separate pin immediately links to the very same pin the ring just left. Bruce also explains how to pass the pins out for examination, upon completion of the routine, without switches. It's a fooler of a routine, yet is not that difficult to do..."

Please email me for shipping and handling charges

I accept PayPal to the following email address, or check/M.O  


For more information, please email: